Luxembourg will take over and launch the presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the BeNeLux Union.
The priorities of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Benelux and Benelux work plan for 2019 will be presented on Tuesday.
Luxembourg holds the presidency of the Benelux Committee of Ministers this year, for the third time since the entry into force of the new BeNeLux Treaty in 2012.
The 2019 Annual Plan details the concrete actions that the three countries wish to undertake in the coming months.
The priorities of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Benelux Committee of Ministers are the action of the Benelux Union, which aims, through concrete projects and exemplary cross-border collaboration, to support European integration.
The presentation of the priorities of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Benelux and the 2019 work plan are to be followed by a round table on the role of the BeNeLux in a 27-member European Union, in the presence of various VIPs.
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